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Crane & Co. Stationery

• Stationery & Art Products
For fine stationery, wedding invitations, gifts & desk accessories then look no further than Crane's Stationery or The American Stationery Company. And, for an exceptional range of art materials, you'll find a huge selection at both Dick Blick and also at Mister Art.

• Department Stores
Big-store shopping with the leading U.S. department stores has never been easier. With great offers from names such as Macys, Target and Walmart online store, to name but a few, you can shop the big stores faster and cheaper than ever before!
Welcome to Womaz.com! With more than 150 online stores & catalog companies carefully categorized and researched, Womaz.com provides a great starting point for all of your online shopping.

We have dozens of famous names, more than thirty categories of shopping and services, and catalog listings from U.S.A., U.K, Canada, Germany, France and Japan … and growing all the time. Womaz makes shopping online easier than ever before!

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If you're looking for books, then look no further than our comprehensive book search of Foyles Bookstore, where you'll discover a wide selection of great books in a broad variety of genres. Discover the latest bestsellers, textbooks, and much else. Recent Popular Book Searches Include:

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Tesco Wine Shopping
Find wine, groceries and much more, at Tesco UK Direct.

Discount UK Electronics •
UK shoppers will find a huge range of electronics and web-exclusive prices at the websites of all the major UK electrical retailers, including: Comet Electrical, Maplin, Debenhams, JD Williams and Empire Direct … & more great stores in our UK Directory.

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UK Catalogue Stores •
In our selection of UK catalogue stores you'll find major price-savings on a huge range of products, so be sure to visit these sites: Freemans Catalogue, Argos, Ambrose Wilson, Gray and Osbourn and Home Shopping Direct … more catalogue stores in our Directory.


UK Department Stores •
Shop with big name department stores such as John Lewis, Debenhams Direct, Marks and Spencer, and many others too.

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